Wanted: Colour Therapist to contribute to a Holistic Healing book. MARCH 2024.
Colour therapist with experience of working with people on the autistic spectrum, or that knows about this use of colour therapy. https://www.abeautifullifebooks.com/linda-anthology
Colour therapy: taster workshop
Course Dates: 22/03/24
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Location: Kean Street Wellbeing Centre, LONDON
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Location: Kean Street Wellbeing Centre, LONDON
Curious about colour and its uses in healing? Explore colour as living phenomenon and begin to expand your awareness and practice of this unique form of energy healing.
Explore Colour Therapy and its uses in holistic therapeutic practice. Investigate a basic history of Colour Therapy and explore colour as living phenomenon and its relation to health, balance and wellbeing. Begin to learn and apply various healing techniques to utilise colour to harmonise the subtle and physical bodies in your self, friends and family. Mention you heard about this workshop through IWOC.
SPRING AURA WORKSHOPS throughout OCTOBER 2022. Fishponds, BRISTOL ENGLAND. "Let Colour Work for You" - "Colour, movement and creativity" - "Colour and Sound"
Contact Barbara at: barbaraconway@btinternet.com
Stands are available if any Colour Therapists or Colour Reading or Spiritual Healing therapists would like to promote their business.
In the Mood for Colour: Perfect palettes for creative interiors Hardcover.
by Hans Blomquist (Author)
Animals are extremely sensitive to colour vibrations, and are attracted to different objects, even when they may have limited ability to see the colour with their eyes - instead they feel the vibes. This lovely pussycat really knows the best place to relax is on the blue towel.
Colour therapists have for many years used silk scarves for healing, but organic silk is expensive and difficult to find. Instead we recommend using VISCOSE that is natural and works in harmony with our body and soul. This is made from plant cellulose and has a fine thread, much like silk. It is also very inexpensive.
If you live in Italy and can speak Italian SAMYA DEI COLORI offers an online colour test. Also available various books on colour therapy (in Italian) https://samyadeicolori.it
News Flash:Pyrrole Red otherwise known as PR254 (Pigment Red 254), diketo-pyrrolo or Ferrari Red was discovered accidentally in chemistry professor Donald G Farnum’s lab at Michigan State University in 1974. He wasn’t looking to produce this pigment but little did he know at the time of the value this would have for the automotive industry.
Offers crystal light and related therapies.
Contact: Zahra Yaghtin crystalcanadadlb@gmail.com
with Barbara Conway Colour Counsellor, healer, Teacher and Colour Life Coach
For details about workshops email: barbaraconway@btinternet.com tel :0117 2390543 £50.00
IWOC members are invited to submit details of any Colour Therapy talks, demonstrations or workshops they are giving.
Colour Therapy employed on some UK. trains.